Private party or exclusive business event: packages & offers


Here you will find our suggestions for smaller celebrations and events in the Clubhaus Bachmair Weissach in Tegernsee. Regardless of whether you would like to book a few hours, half a day or a whole day with us, we look forward to seeing you! A reception plus coffee and cake or dinner or all together - we are happy to fulfill your wishes.

Package 1


89 euros per person
with the following included services:


(1 hour included) in our outdoor or bar area
Sparkling Prosecco
freshly tapped Tegernseer Helles
water and homemade lemonade


(1 hour included) in the booked premises
Selection of cakes (2 pieces per person) in the form of a cake buffet candy bar
Coffee and tea specialties

Package 2

209 euros per person
with the following included services:


(1 hour included) in our outdoor or bar area
Sparkling Prosecco
freshly tapped Tegernseer Helles
water and homemade lemonade


in the booked premises
unified menu
Drinks flat rate of 4 hours
(White and red wine, beer, water, soft drinks, hot drinks)
menu cards
flower decoration*

Package 3

269 euros per person
with the following included services:


(1 hour included) in our outdoor or bar area
Sparkling Prosecco
freshly tapped Tegernseer Helles
water and homemade lemonade
In addition, we serve three types of finger food of the chef's choice
(also vegetarian)


(1 hour included) in the booked premises
Selection of cakes (2 pieces per person) in the form of a cake buffet
candy bar
Coffee and tea specialties

The birthday cake or similar is not included here


in the booked premises
unified menu
Drinks flat rate of 4 hours
(White and red wine, beer, water, soft drinks, hot drinks)
midnight snack
menu cards
table plan
flower decoration*

Champagner deluxe

Make the reception the highlight with which you and your guests start an unforgettable celebration. For a surcharge of 49.00 euros per person, we will serve your guests a selected champagne to welcome them, within our packages, instead of our Prosecco Spumante.


*The calculation of the flower decoration is based on the contractually agreed number of people. If the number of guests is reduced, there may be a difference for the selected flower arrangements.


We would like to offer you the following rooms for the number of guests you plan to have (up to 30 people).

Séparée: 16-23 seats (can be booked individually)

In the other rooms of the clubhouse there is a public restaurant.

Alternatively, you can book the clubhouse exclusively.

All information here:

Allgemeine Infos

Flower decoration:

The calculation of the flower decoration is based on the contractually agreed number of people. If the number of guests is reduced, there may be a difference for the selected flower arrangements.


Our clubhouse offers light and Mediterranean Levante cuisine. Our chef will be happy to create some menu suggestions for you.


There are public parking facilities in the vicinity, e.g. Seesauna or Bräustüberl Tegernsee. The clubhouse itself does not have its own parking spaces

Volume and night surcharge:

Due to the adjoining holiday apartments, the volume (background music) must be reduced after 10:00 p.m. A night surcharge from 10:00 p.m. to max. 2:00 a.m. of 150 EUR/hour. is charged.

Outdoor area and terrace:

Our terraces and outdoor areas can be used until 10 p.m. Afterwards, these may only be used without drinks and without service at a significantly reduced volume, e.g. for smoking.

Accommodation options:

Our hotels SPA & RESORT BACHMAIR WEISSACH and HOTEL BUSSI BABY are at your disposal for planned overnight stays.